Monday, April 28, 2014

Art and Fear, second response

What work have you made that seems most yours? Why?
I really feel that Scuttler and Leg 1 are the most mine. Scuttler just reminds me of things ive been creating, thinking about and drawing since I was very young. I thing the fact that it is a recycled space heater is also very much me. Leg 1 reflects my personality in the aesthetic style it has and the associations with nature and animals(insects).

Who are artist that are making work that relates to you? Are there other influences? How are these other influences connected to your work?
Yukinori Yanagi works with ants, which is semi related to my work. Both of us are influenced by our childhoods and what we grew up doing. Joseph Burnwels work is also reminiscent of my work. He works with wood creating 3D sculptures. 
Discuss, in your own words, Why you think this is so.
In my opinion, Art is the symbol of intelligence. It is expression of emotion that, while still able to be primal, is cognitive and purposeful.  It serves multiple functions within a society whether it be for historical purposes, monetary purposes or simply to serve as an outlet for a creature constantly seeking one. Art gives man the capability of rationalizing thoughts and emotions that cant be properly articulated through words. I think any civilization that does not have art, is one that does not promote free thinking and expression. And any civilization that limits that can not grow or prosper, ultimately leading it to demise.

"Art is something you do out in the world, or something you do about the world, or even something you do for the world. The need to make art may not stem solely from the need to express who you are, but from a need to complete a relationship with something outside of yourself." p. 108

Which of these ideas resonates most with you? Why? If they all resonate, how do they differ?
"Something you do about the world" is a simple and beautiful line in my opinion when talking about art. It resonates with me very much. Although more so the ending idea of "a need to complete a relationship with something outside of yourself" resonates with me even more. For me, Art is a way for me to cope with the powers and truths outside of myself that I have no control over. It is a way for me to integrate myself into the ever flowing mix that is existence. It is the answer to the questions that cannot only be answered with words. Unlike language, emotion and possibilities are endless and can not be fully spoken of or explained. Art seeks to help connect and understand rather than explain.

What do you notice about yourself? What are your methods? Subject matter? The answers do not have to be limited to art related topics.
I have noticed instability in myself. I notice the changes I continually go through. I notice my outlook. I notice that I procrastinate and put things off. I notice my will to change but my unwillingness to try in case of failure. My methods are always changing and are often inspired. Same with my subject matter. Art still is an outlet for expression for me.
What do you care about?
I don't know what I care about. I do not think I care about much. I operate without goals or ambition. The few things I care about are pretty basic. I very much care about feeling like I am free and unrestricted. I care about other people in general. And I care about those closest to me the most.

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